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status:individuality [2017/12/18 15:27]
mnchino created
status:individuality [2017/12/19 04:28] (current)
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 ====== Individuality ====== ====== Individuality ======
-**Individuality** is a status which allows its user to be invulnerable for minimum ​of seconds. This status is removed once its duration is expired.+**Individuality** is a status which allows its user to be invulnerable for minimum ​percentage ​of seconds. This status is removed once its duration is expired.
 This status can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe|Wipe]]. This status can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe|Wipe]].
Last modified: 2017-12-19 @ 04:27:36 (04 AM) by