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home [2017/03/29 12:04]
fiakaiera added discord ad
home [2017/09/14 18:16] (current)
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 <div right 22em> <div right 22em>
 <div box centeralign 100%> <div box centeralign 100%>
-Interested in contributing to Furria?\\  +Interested in contributing to Furria?\\ 
-<fs 1.5em>​http://​discord.gg/c5cpFaG</fs>\\  +<div box centeralign roundimg thin> 
-**Help out in our community discord!**+[[http://​discord.furria.net|{{ ​ furria:​ficon ttropes.png?​128&​nolink }}]] 
 +<fs 1.5em>​http://​discord.furria.net</fs> 
 +**Visit in our community discord!**\\ 
 +(Just don't forget to say hi in #entrance)
 </​div>​ </​div>​
 {{template>​footer:​aspects}} {{template>​footer:​aspects}}
 </​div>​ </​div>​
-===== Furria Wiki =====+ 
 +===== Home =====
 Welcome to the wiki for the world of **[[furria:​Furria]]**!\\ Welcome to the wiki for the world of **[[furria:​Furria]]**!\\
 Currently, only specific users are allowed to edit for the sake of conformity with information. Currently, only specific users are allowed to edit for the sake of conformity with information.
Last modified: 2017-03-30 @ 00:04:48 (12 AM) by