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guide:typyl_typing [2017/05/02 02:57]
fiakaiera [List of Animal World Types] added family list
guide:typyl_typing [2017/08/13 21:25] (current)
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 {{typyl:​mug:​i_kaiera.png?​nolink&​20x12}} **Wiki Template Code** from [[typyl:​kaiera l'​heart|Kaiera'​s]] Profile {{typyl:​mug:​i_kaiera.png?​nolink&​20x12}} **Wiki Template Code** from [[typyl:​kaiera l'​heart|Kaiera'​s]] Profile
 </​div>​ </​div>​
-> **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2017/03/27 05:04//+> **Last Updated:​** ​ --- //[[user:mnchino]] 2017/06/13 00:47//
 \\ A [[species:​typyl|typyl]]'​s **Typ-fam** and **Typ-type** are one of the factors that are considered when designing or creating a Typyl. It symbolizes what form a Typyl individual adapts in to having particular traits of the species of their choice. \\ A [[species:​typyl|typyl]]'​s **Typ-fam** and **Typ-type** are one of the factors that are considered when designing or creating a Typyl. It symbolizes what form a Typyl individual adapts in to having particular traits of the species of their choice.
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 \\ Due to the Typyl'​s composition,​ Typyl can adapt traits and attributes depending on their Typ-type and Typ-fam. ​ \\ Due to the Typyl'​s composition,​ Typyl can adapt traits and attributes depending on their Typ-type and Typ-fam. ​
-  * <fs 1.4em>​Typ-type</​fs>​ ''​{species}-type''​\\ **Typyl Types** (**Typ-type**) //(plural: typ-types; prounced: tip-tipe)// are the individual'​s choice of species they want to take their qualities and attributes of.+  * <div box thick> 
 +<fs 1.4em>**Typ-type**</fs> ''​{species}-type''​ 
 +**Typyl Types** (**Typ-type**) //(plural: typ-types; prounced: tip-tipe)// are the individual'​s choice of species they want to take their qualities and attributes of. 
-  * <fs 1.4em>​Hy-type</​fs>​ ''​{primary}-{secondary} ​Hyp''​\\ **Typyl Hybrids** (**Hy-typ**) are Typyl who has two or more noticeable distinct Typ-types. Only the two most dominant types are considered.+  * <div box thick> 
 +<fs 1.4em>**Hy-type**</fs> ''​{primary}-{secondary} ​Hy''​ 
 +**Typyl Hybrids** (**Hy-typ**) are Typyl who has two or more noticeable distinct Typ-types. Only the two most dominant types are considered. 
-  * <fs 1.4em>​Typ-fam</​fs>​ ''​{family}-fam''​\\ **Typyl Families** (**Typ-fam**) //(plural: typ-fam; pronounced:​tip-fam)//​ are a classifications for groups of Typ-types that resemble similar to [[wp>​Family (biology)|Biological Families]]. If the Typyl is a Hybrid, their primary type is only considered.+  * <div box thick> 
 +<fs 1.4em>**Typ-fam**</fs> ''​{family}-fam''​ 
 +**Typyl Families** (**Typ-fam**) //(plural: typ-fam; pronounced:​tip-fam)//​ are a classifications for groups of Typ-types that resemble similar to [[wp>​Family (biology)|Biological Families]]. If the Typyl is a Hybrid, their primary type is only considered. 
 ===== List of Animal World Types ===== ===== List of Animal World Types =====
-In this list, each Typ-type falls into their corresponding Typ-fam found in the Animal World. All of which are sorted by alphabetical order.\\+In this list, each Typ-type falls into their corresponding Typ-fam found in the Animal World. All of which are sorted by alphabetical order.
 <div box> <div box>
 |<100% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%>| |<100% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%>|
 ^  Typyl Animal World Families ​ ||||| ^  Typyl Animal World Families ​ |||||
-|  ​[[#​ani-fam|Ani-fam]] ​ |  ​[[#​amphibi-fam|Amphibi-fam]] ​ |  [[#​arth-fam|Arth-fam]] ​ |  [[#​aquati-fam|Aquati-fam]] ​ |  [[#​avid-fam|Avid-fam]]  ​+|  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Amphibians//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​amphibi-fam|Amphibi-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Arthropods//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​arth-fam|Arth-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Aquatic Animals//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​aquati-fam|Aquati-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Avians//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​avid-fam|Avid-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Bovids//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​bovis-fam|Bovis-fam]]  ​
-|  [[#​bovis-fam|Bovis-fam]] ​ |  [[#​canid-fam|Canid-fam]] ​ |  [[#​equi-fam|Equi-fam]] ​ |  [[#​feline-fam|Feline-fam]] ​ |  [[#​insec-fam|Insec-fam]]  ​+|  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Canids//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​canid-fam|Canid-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Equines//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​equi-fam|Equi-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Felines//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​feline-fam|Feline-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Insects//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​insec-fam|Insec-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Lagomorphs//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​lago-fam|Lago-fam]]  ​
-|  [[#​lago-fam|Lago-fam]] ​ |  [[#​mammi-fam|Mammi-fam]] ​ |  [[#​marsupi-fam|Marsupi-fam]] ​ |  [[#​mollus-fam|Mollus-fam]] ​ |  [[#​prima-fam|Prima-fam]]  ​+|  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Mammals//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​mammi-fam|Mammi-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Marsupials//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​marsupi-fam|Marsupi-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Mollusks//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​mollus-fam|Mollus-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Primates//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​prima-fam|Prima-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Reptiles//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​reptil-fam|Reptil-fam]]  ​
-|  [[#​reptil-fam|Reptil-fam]] ​ |  [[#​roden-fam|Roden-fam]] ​ |  [[#​urs-fam|Urs-fam]] ​ |  [[#​vulpi-fam|Vulpi-fam]] ​ | | +|  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Rodents//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​roden-fam|Roden-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Ursids//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​urs-fam|Urs-fam]] ​ |  ​<fs 0.8em>//​Vulpes & Lycalopex//</​fs>​\\ ​[[#​vulpi-fam|Vulpi-fam]] ​ | |
-<span caution center centeralign>​If your typ-type is not found here, please ask an editor to add said typ-type to their corresponding typ-fam.</​span>​ +
-</​div>​ +
-==== Ani-fam ==== +
-These are typ-types that don't belong into other species groups. However, this excludes mammals as they are considered mammi-fam. +
-<div box> +
-</​div>​ +
-==== Amphibi-fam ==== +
-[[wp>​Amphibians]]. This includes frogs, toads, tadpoles and alike. +
-<div box> +
-</​div>​ +
-==== Arth-fam ==== +
-[[wp>​Arthopods]]. This includes spiders, scorpions and crabs. +
-<div box> +
-</​div>​ +
-==== Aquati-fam ==== +
-This group of typ-types belong to aquatic life, including fish and octupi. +
-<div box>+
 </​div>​ </​div>​
 +<span caution center centeralign>​If your typ-type is not found here, please ask an editor to add said typ-type to their corresponding typ-fam.</​span>​
 +<div group><​div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Amphibi-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Amphibians]]. Includes frogs, toads, tadpoles and alike.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Mudpup-type|[[wp>​Necturus]] (mudpuppy)\\ (alternative name)|
 +|Nect-type|[[wp>​Necturus]] (mudpuppy)|
 +|Polly-type|[[wp>​Tadpole]]\\ (alternative name)|
 +<div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Arth-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Arthropods]]. Includes spiders, scorpions and crabs.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Whisc-type|[[wp>​Whip scorpion]]|
 +<div group><​div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Aquati-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Aquatic animals]]. Includes fish and octupi.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Aquangel-type|[[wp>​Pterophyllum]]\\ (Angel Fish)|
 +<div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Avid-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Avians]]. Includes all birds and creatures that can fly.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +<div group><​div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Bovis-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Bovids]]. Includes goats, sheep, gazelles, and bisons.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +<div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Canid-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Canids]]. Includes dogs, and wolves but not vulpines.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +<div group><​div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Equi-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Equines]]. Includes horses, donkeys and zebras.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +<div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Feline-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Felines]]. Includes cats, tigers and lions.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Cat-type|[[wp>​Domestic cat]]|
 +|Kitten-type|[[wp>​Domestic cat]]\\ (alternative name)|
 +|Snole-type|[[wp>​Snow leopard]]|
 +<div group><​div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Insec-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Insects]]. Includes those classified as an insect.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Beetle-type|[[wp>​Beetle]] (scarab)|
 +|Scara-type|[[wp>​Beetle]] (scarab)\\ (alternative name)|
 +<div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Lago-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Lagomorphs]]. Includes Pikas, Hares and Rabbits.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Bun-type|[[wp>​Bunny]]\\ (alternative name)|
 +<div group><​div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Mammi-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Mammals]]. Includes those not part of any typ-fam.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +<div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Marsupi-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Marsupials]]. Includes kangaroos, opossums, moles and koalas.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Roo-type|[[wp>​Kangaroo]]\\ (alternative name)|
 +<div group><​div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Mollus-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Mollusks]]. Includes snails and squids.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +<div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Prima-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Primates]]. Includes chimps, lemurs and tarsiers.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +<div group><​div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Reptil-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Reptiles]]. Includes turtles, lizards and snakes.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Komo-type|[[wp>​Komodo dragon]]|
 +<div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Roden-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Rodents]]. Includes mice, squirrels and guinea pigs.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Guinea-type|[[wp>​Guinea pig]]|
 +<div group><​div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Urs-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Ursidae|Ursids]]. Includes bears and pandas.\\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Grizzly-type|[[wp>​Grizzly bear]]|
 +|Polar-type|[[wp>​Polar bear]]|
 +<div half column><​div box 100%>
 +=== Vulpi-fam ===
 +[[wp>​Vulpini|Vulpes]] and [[wp>​Lycalopex]]. Includes foxes and racoon dogs. \\ \\ 
 +|<100% 50% 50%>|
 +^  Typ-type ​ ^  Classification ​ ^
 +|Fennec-type|[[wp>​Fennec fox]]|
 +|Tanuki-type|[[wp>​Raccoon dog]]|
 {{template>​footer:​typyl}} {{template>​footer:​typyl}}
Last modified: 2017-05-02 @ 14:57:34 (02 PM) by