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guide:typyl_rules [2017/06/13 22:48]
fiakaiera [Design] added winter coating rule
guide:typyl_rules [2017/08/13 18:14] (current)
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 {{template>​template:​info incomplete|signature= --- //​[[user:​fiakaiera]] 2017/05/22 11:28//}} {{template>​template:​info incomplete|signature= --- //​[[user:​fiakaiera]] 2017/05/22 11:28//}}
 ====== [Guide] Typyl Rules ====== ====== [Guide] Typyl Rules ======
->--- **Last Updated:** //​[[user:​fiakaiera]] 2017/05/22 05:34//+>--- **Last Updated:** //​[[user:​fiakaiera]] 2017/06/13 22:49//
 >--- **Revision:​** 4 >--- **Revision:​** 4
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 All of the considerations,​ its reasons and possible ways to bypass them are listed down below. All of the considerations,​ its reasons and possible ways to bypass them are listed down below.
 \\ <div tip>​**Tip:​** We suggest you to not read all of the sections in one reading. Only read them when it is needed. This is to not overwhelm you on how much rules are set in place.</​div>​ \\ <div tip>​**Tip:​** We suggest you to not read all of the sections in one reading. Only read them when it is needed. This is to not overwhelm you on how much rules are set in place.</​div>​
 +<div left>​{{INLINETOC}}</​div>​
 {{template>​footer:​typyl}} {{template>​footer:​typyl}}
 ===== Role ===== ===== Role =====
Last modified: 2017-06-14 @ 10:48:44 (10 AM) by