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guide:typyl_identity [2017/08/13 08:39]
fiakaiera [Gender Identity] added orientation clause
guide:typyl_identity [2017/08/13 20:48] (current)
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 <div danger>​**REMEMBER:​** These values does **NOT** reflect that of a human since are terminologies are different for Typyl than in reality. //All entries written here are placed in as blunt and direct as possible and will not extend into deep explanations.//</​div>​ <div danger>​**REMEMBER:​** These values does **NOT** reflect that of a human since are terminologies are different for Typyl than in reality. //All entries written here are placed in as blunt and direct as possible and will not extend into deep explanations.//</​div>​
 ^Unkown^|Those who does not want to reveal their gender.| ^Unkown^|Those who does not want to reveal their gender.|
 +^Cis^|Directly the same as their physical sex. (Can be interchanged with Male or Female)|
 ^Male Aligned^^^ ^Male Aligned^^^
 | ^Male| Directly **male**. Also known as Cis Male.| | ^Male| Directly **male**. Also known as Cis Male.|
Last modified: 2017-08-13 @ 20:39:28 (08 PM) by