Furria 2i Archive

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Furria, also known as Fia is a multimedia project series concept conceptualized by fiaKaiera in 2008. The project moved into development and implementation starting in 2017. It shows the stories and lives of different Typyl found in the science fiction/fantasy world of Fiagia.


The name Furria is composed of two names of different origins: the Japanese word ふり(furi) meaning make-believe or pretense and the Greek word γαια(gaia) meaning Earth. A lot of misconceptions that the name came from the word “Furry” but this is not the case. 1)

A variation of Furria is found in the planet's name: Fiagia. fiaKaiera's username also came from Furria.


Furria underwent changes and different names before its current name.

  • Sonic Elemental X (2006-2007) — short-termed “sx”, the series was formed as a comic, having gameplay elements, making it barely readable. It was about a group of children with a counterpart of characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.
  • Elemental X (2008-2010) — short-termes “ex”, the story was restructured so that all references and characters to Sonic the Hedgehog are removed. Later, the story itself was dropped but revisited in a further project in Furria.
  • Project HAC (2011-2013) — a part of EX's story was taken into a whole new context named the Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound. The HAC itself was later implemented into Furria in turn created a whole world for his series to take place.

Series Plan

The multimedia project is divided into different series. These series can have arcs or a group of stories clamped together. Currently, there are 4 series:

  • Main Series — fiaKaiera's main plan for Furria composed of 12 different chapter arcs. Each chapter arc centers around one story and an important life event. The chapters tries to give lessons about important factors in life during a character's journey.
  • Sub Series — a series dedicated to stories that revolve outside the main series. These include stories that can contribute to Furria as a whole.
  • Sav Series — stories that tells a Sav's journey before they are initiated as a Sav.
  • Spinoff Series — series that does not really contribute to Furria as a whole, such as party games.

Typyl Tropes & Tropics

Furria's overall development is contributed by two groups. These two groups' names came from the Typyl species .

  • Typyl Tropics“Official works of Furria”
    a subdivision of Fourwings composed of multiple members from Fourwings and fiaKaiera's picks for the main development of Furria.
  • Typyl Tropes“Community works of Furria”
    a community based around the world of Furria. If an official part of the series is developed under this name, an approval from Typyl Tropics has to be done first.
Last modified: 2017-03-09 @ 02:51:26 (02 AM) by