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furria:status [2017/12/19 11:53]
mnchino Added Stat ailments
furria:status [2017/12/20 00:56] (current)
Line 9: Line 9:
 ^ [[status:​Revive]] | **Cures [[status:​Downstate]].** Gives a certain amount of HP on effect. \\ - Removed upon effect is accepted or once duration is expired. | ^ [[status:​Revive]] | **Cures [[status:​Downstate]].** Gives a certain amount of HP on effect. \\ - Removed upon effect is accepted or once duration is expired. |
 ^ [[status:​Scapestate]] | **Prevents from achieving [[status:​Downstate]] once HP 0 is reached.** Gives a certain amount of HP. \\ - Removed once HP reaches 0 or once duration is expired.\\ <span danger>​**NOTE:​** Can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe]].</​span>​ | ^ [[status:​Scapestate]] | **Prevents from achieving [[status:​Downstate]] once HP 0 is reached.** Gives a certain amount of HP. \\ - Removed once HP reaches 0 or once duration is expired.\\ <span danger>​**NOTE:​** Can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe]].</​span>​ |
-^ [[status:​Shatter Break]] | **Gives an attempt to initiate a [[furria:​Shatter Break]].** All FP costs to skills and sorcia are ignored. \\ - Removed and given [[status:​Clearstate]] once shatter charge finishes. \\ <span danger>​**NOTE:​** Can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe]].</​span>​| +^ [[status:​Shatter Break]] | **Gives an attempt to initiate a [[furria:Shatter Break|Shatter Break]].** All FP costs to skills and sorcia are ignored. \\ - Removed and given [[status:​Clearstate]] once shatter charge finishes. \\ <span danger>​**NOTE:​** Can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe]].</​span>​| 
-^ [[status:​Shatter Charge]] | **Gives an attempt to initiate a [[furria:​Shatter Charge]].** All FP costs to skills and sorcia are ignored. \\ - Removed and given 0 TP once shatter break finishes.\\ <span danger>​**NOTE:​** Can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe]].</​span>​|+^ [[status:​Shatter Charge]] | **Gives an attempt to initiate a [[furria:Shatter Charge|Shatter Charge]].** All FP costs to skills and sorcia are ignored. \\ - Removed and given 0 TP once shatter break finishes.\\ <span danger>​**NOTE:​** Can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe]].</​span>​|
 ^ [[status:​Individuality]] | **Invulnerable for minimum % of seconds.**\\ - Removed once expired.\\ <span danger>​**NOTE:​** Can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe]].</​span>​ | ^ [[status:​Individuality]] | **Invulnerable for minimum % of seconds.**\\ - Removed once expired.\\ <span danger>​**NOTE:​** Can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe]].</​span>​ |
 ^ [[status:​Cover]] +(%) | **Re-directs % incoming damage taken to the target [[status:​Covering]].**\\ - Removed once expired. | ^ [[status:​Cover]] +(%) | **Re-directs % incoming damage taken to the target [[status:​Covering]].**\\ - Removed once expired. |
Last modified: 2017-12-20 @ 00:53:58 (12 AM) by