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furria:sorcia [2017/03/07 12:58]
fiakaiera added more details
furria:sorcia [2017/06/15 08:32] (current)
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 If a user is capable of using Sorcia, the user would have to expend their own energy to cast or use Sorcia, creating fatigue. When creating Sorcia, cost and effectiveness of casting or using it is also considered. The amount of energy used is scaled to varying factors. If a user is capable of using Sorcia, the user would have to expend their own energy to cast or use Sorcia, creating fatigue. When creating Sorcia, cost and effectiveness of casting or using it is also considered. The amount of energy used is scaled to varying factors.
-These are some of the factors that can scale the amount of energy used:+These are some of the factors that can possibly ​scale the amount of energy used: 
 +<div group> 
 +<div third column>
   * Physical Power   * Physical Power
   * Magical Potency   * Magical Potency
   * Range / Distance / Area   * Range / Distance / Area
   * Movement Speed   * Movement Speed
-  * Acceleration+  * Acceleration ​/ Deceleration 
 +<div third column>
   * Time Speed-up and Slowdowns   * Time Speed-up and Slowdowns
   * Projectile Precision   * Projectile Precision
   * Projectile Homing Power   * Projectile Homing Power
 +  * Projectile Path
   * Number of Targets   * Number of Targets
 +<div third column>
   * Number of Effects   * Number of Effects
   * Time of Effect   * Time of Effect
 +  * Potency of Effect
   * Particle Lifetime / Decay   * Particle Lifetime / Decay
 +  * Delay
 In summary, anything that can make a created Sorcia more powerful or complex will contribute on the amount of energy used. In summary, anything that can make a created Sorcia more powerful or complex will contribute on the amount of energy used.
 +====== Inspirations ======
 +  * [[wp>​Magic]] & [[wp>​Sorcery]]
   ​   ​
Last modified: 2017-03-08 @ 01:58:04 (01 AM) by