Furria 2i Archive

Furrial Class

Main Article: Furrial Class

Furrial Classes (also known as Knowledge Classes) are titles given to a Typyl individual once they learn a particular set of skills known exclusively to their class of their choice.

There are a whole set of classes for anyone to choose from and learn. Sooner or later, this will be replaced by a class tree, showing what classes are available from each per-requisite class. In addition, all of the available Aspects are available as classes.

It is possible to suggest a class to be added in the list. However, how to do is not currently known. For a list of unnamed or planned classes, check the Unlisted Furrial Class list.

Each Furrial Class is divided into different forms:

  • Child of Name
    A form of vanity specifically to show one's recognition and/or title

Child of Name

  • [Base Class]
    Furrial: Early Starter ( Furrial )
    Bestowed as a sign to denote that this being is able to learn Furrial Classes. All Typyl starts out with this title automatically.
    • Typis-type: Outer-species Authorization ( Typis-type )
      Given for non-typyl that are able to learn Furrial Classes. All non-typyl are required to have this in their display title at all times.
  • Sav: Aspected Emissary ( Sav )
    Represents a specific aspect.
    • Presav: Preceding Savior ( Presav )
      Precedes the Sav, representing an aspect.
    • Amsav: Ampersand Emissary ( Amsav )
      Harnesses the potential of Sav Ampersands given by the Sav.
    • Oscisav: Aspect Master ( Oscisav )
      Proved themselves to master an aspect on par with the Sav.
  • Vas: High Standing ( Vas )
    Positioned in royalty. Also applies to vassals of high position.

Hold of Ideals

Child of Earth

  • [Base Class]
    Typis: General Typyl Information ( Typis )
    General knowledge of Typyl, what they are and what they can do.
    • Invtri: Item Storage ( Invtri )
      Using arcitory and arcpouches for storing items.
    • Parc: Movement Advances ( Parc )
      Using minor sorcia for improvments in movement, such as levitation, boosted dashes and jumps, air dashing, etc.
    • Recia: Revival ( Recia )
      Revives another individual on the spot. Also used for emergency revives to themselves when high enough in force.
  • [Base Class]
    Sorcim: General Sorcia Information ( Typis )
    General knowledge of Sorcia tacking the basics of what it is and how to use them.
  • Aurica: Aura Concentration ( Aurica )
    Taps in potential force of the user for further use of sorcia through concentration.
    • Consens: Aura Condensation ( Consens )
      Allows easier methods fusion of aspects.
    • Givi: Aura Contribution ( Givi )
      Distributes own force to other individuals.
    • Scatta: Aura Dissipation ( Scatta )
      Decomposes aspects into base aspects and freed into the environment without creating much flux.
  • Climis: Basic Protection ( Climis )
    Use of sorcia for basic protection against the environment, such as protection from the rain, overheating, etc.
    • Umi: Underwater Protection ( Umi )
      [Requires Parc] Higher knowledge of Climis that allows a Typyl to interact properly underwater, such as moving around and breathing underwater.
  • Telecia: Teleportation ( Telecia )
    Use of sorcia for teleportation.
  • [Base Class]
    Inquir: History ( Inquir )
    Dedication to knowing/researching history done through the world.
    • Archaiv: Historical Records ( Archaiv )
      Dedication to keeping historical records of media.
  • [Base Class]
    Scitia: General Science / Natural Philosophy ( Scitia )
    Dedicated to knowing or researching specific knowledge.
    • Aspacia: Aspect Chemistry ( Aspacia )
      Knowledge of the composition of different aspects and its effects towards the world.
    • Ecosis: Ecology / Plant Life ( Ecosis )
      Use of sorcia to invest/research life towards to surroundings.
    • Stronomi: Spacial Science ( Stronomi )
      Study of astral sciences.

Child of Talent

  • Imitatio: Imitation ( Imitatio )
    Temporarily copies abilities and/or aspects of other classes and/or creatures.
  • Papielle: Paper ( Papielle )
    Specialization for paper. Allows highly creative uses of Paper.
  • Yoi'n: Yo-yo ( Yoi'n )
    Specialization of using a yoyo or any pendulum-like mediums.
  • Ryth: Music ( Ryth )
    Exploration in music.
  • Dimix: Dance ( Fo'foths )
    Exploration in dance.
    • Valei: Graceful Dance ( Valei )
      Dance through smoother and elegant movements.
  • Fo'foths: Rhythm ( Fo'foths )
    Specialization for keeping in rhythm.
  • Tonne: Musical Instruments ( Baroq )
    Exploration in using one or more musical instruments.
    • Bast: Precussion Instruments ( Bast )
      Specialization for percussion instruments.
    • Conducia: Musical Conduction ( Conducia )
      Management of different instruments to make music.
    • Freth: Woodwind Instruments ( Freth )
      Specialization for woodwind instruments.
    • Raspian: Brass Instruments ( Raspian )
      Specialization for brass instruments.
    • Vibril: String Instruments ( Vibril )
      Specialization for string instruments.
  • Symsyc: Written/Fine Arts ( Symsyc )
    Exporation through written or fine art.
    • Ill'st: Illustration ( Ill'st )
      Specialization through drawing.
    • Posct: Symbols ( Posct )
      Specialization through symbolization or written word.
  • Theatea: Fine Performance ( Theatea )
    Exporation through performing acts.
    • Po'pet: Puppets ( Po'pet )
      Presentation through the use of puppets.

Child of Aspect

  • [Base Class]
    Acstic: Aspect Exploration ( Acstic )
    Exploration of one or multiple aspects. Gained automatically when learning to Acstic subclasses.

Hold of Conflict

Child of Vine

Child of Thorn

Child of Cast

Hold of Creation

Child of Craft

Child of Mass

Child of Form

  • Altypcia: Type-casting ( Altypcia )
    [Requires Vario] Complex knowledge of knowing how to alter a Typyl's body through type-casting.
  • Au'metal: Augmentation ( Au'metal )
    Allows the use of body enhancing equipment called augmentals.
  • Kunoichi: Decieving Stealth ( Kunoichi )
    Uses stealth arts practically in any situation that is usually not noticeable out in the open.
  • Portia: Mass Teleportation ( Portia )
    [Requires Telecia] Higher knowledge of Telecia that covers large distance and mass teleportation.
  • Va'aduo: Concept of Time ( Va'aduo )
    Complex knowledge of using high-leveled sorcia to manipulate time.
Last modified: 2017-07-28 @ 23:56:20 (11 PM) by