{{template>infobox:typyl | infobox_ver = 2 | name = Ren Niente | image = typyl:mug:i_blank.png | artby = fiaKaiera | owner = Dankuro | First aspect is only required, leave blank if not needed | aspect1 = Vello | aspect2 = Aetas | aspect3 = Signum | hatchday = Junea 6th | sign = ♋ Cancer | arcana = XVIII -- Moon | For class, leave as "Furrial" if not needed | class = ??? | typ-type = Tiger-cat Hy | typ-fam = Feline-fam | nature1 = Sly | nature2 = Bold | phys-sex = ♂ Male | orientation = Bigen | comp-hand = Fivs | comp-foot = Fivs | comp-form = Humno | eye-color = Yellow Orange | inner-color = Natural | aura-color = Orange | str-res = 4 | sor-def = 2 | spd-vit = 4 }} {{template>template:info incomplete}} ====== Ren Niente ====== **Ren Niente** is a character made for [[furria:Furria]]. They are planned to appear in one of the main chapters of the series. Ren is one of the humans that went through [[furria:human transference]] representing the user [[user:Dankuro]]. * **Nickname/s:** Danku, Dan, Dankuro, Georen, Geo * **Pronouns:** He/His/Him * **Age:** Unspecified * **Title:** ??? * **Hometown:** ???, [[world:Welisris]] * **Moral Alignment:** Chaotic Neutral * **Myers-Briggs Type:** Unknown ''????-?'' * **Handedness:** Ambidex, right preferred * **Eye Pigment:** Yellowish Orange, Bright Yellow details * **Primary Pigment:** Orange * **Secondary Pigment:** Gray * **Tertiary Pigment:** Light Cream * **Average Height Scale:** 1x * **Battle Role:** DPS, Utility * **Weapon Type of Choice:** Guns(not 2H Guns), Blades * **Specific Weapon of Choice:** Modified Signum-cast Twin Guns {{INLINETOC}} ===== About ===== FIXME ===== Skills ===== Ren uses a special skill development method, a modular kind of skillcrafting that allows for flexibility whenever casing a spell. However, the effectivity of these skills is inferior to their direct, pure spell counterpart. This however, does not affect Gravity skills. ==== Gravity Skills ==== These skills work like normal [[furria:sorcia|sorcia]] and mainly uses the &vello;[[aspect:Vello]] aspect. {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | skillname = Lighter Realm &vello;&minuo;&ambio; | cost = 25 | target = Field | description = **Lv2 &vello; Field:** Lowers the area's gravity.\\ **//Allies: [[status:SPD+]] / No Effect: [[status:Float]]//** }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | skillname = Levitation &vello;&divum;&ambio; | cost = 30 | target = Party | description = **Lv2 &vello; Field:** Makes the entire party levitate a certain height from the ground, but not restraining movement.\\ **//Apply: [[status:Float]] / Null: [[status:Petrify]], [[status:Bind]], [[status:Stun]]//** }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | skillname = Gravi-beam &vello;&fulgo;&aporia; | cost = 25 | target = Single | description = **Lv2 &vello; Attack:** Channels a beam of gravitational force, tearing to shreds anything in it's path, less effective against sturdy units.\\ **//Low %: [[status:Paralyze]]//** }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | skillname = Gravitational Bomb &vello;&aporia;&coacto; | cost = 80 | target = Single | description = **Lv4 &vello; Attack:** Crushes the target with unbearable gravity, doing massive damage. Paralyze loses effectiveness if target is sturdy. \\ **//Inflict: [[status:Stun]]//** }} ==== Bullet-crafting ==== Bullet-crafting spells are divided into three categories: **SINGLE-FIRE**, **RAPID-FIRE** and **SUPPORT-FIRE**. * **SINGLE-FIRE:** Affects a single target. * **RAPID-FIRE:** Can affect several targets at once, but has less potency than SINGLE-FIRE bullets. * **SUPPORT-FIRE:** Supports the party using &signum;[[aspect:Signum]] aspect bullets. === SUPPORT-FIRE Bullets === {{template>template:typyl skill fp cond | icon = icon.png | target = Party | cost = 80 | condition = Always First | skillname = Hasten Squad VER.A &aetas;&lius;&ambio;&signum; | description = **Lv4 &aetas; Bullet:** Applies 50% [[status:Economy]] for Lv1-3 sorcia. }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | target = Allies | cost = 80 | skillname = Hasten Squad VER.B &aetas;&lius;&ambio;&signum; | description = **Lv4 &aetas; Bullet:** Applies [[status:Duplex]] only for Lv1-3 sorcia for 1 turn. }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | target = Self | cost = 65 | skillname = Hasten Self &aetas;&lius;&signum; | description = **Lv3 &aetas; Bullet:** A **Hasten Squad** variation, but it applies Duplex the caster instead, saving FP. }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | target = Ally | cost = 35 | skillname = FP Transfer &vis;&verto;&signum; | description = **Lv2 &vis; Bullet:** Transfers the cost of this skill to the target party member. }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | target = Ally | cost = 20 | skillname = Regulator Shot &silva;&minuo;&signum; | description = **Lv2 &silva; Bullet:** Removes one ailment from an ally. }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | target = Ally | cost = 40 | skillname = Exchange Burden &silva;&sanitas;&verto;&signum; | description = **Lv3 &silva; Bullet:** A **Regulator Shot** variation. Trades all ailments with the target ally. Trading non-dispellable ailments like [[status:Downstate]] is allowed. }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | target = Party | cost = 80 | skillname = Quicken Squad &aer;&velox;&lius;&ambio;&signum; | description = **Lv4 &aer; Bullet:** Applies [[status:Ion]] to the party. }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | target = Party | cost = 65 | skillname = Quicken Self &aer;&velox;&lius;&signum; | description = **Lv3 &aer; Bullet:** A **Quicken Squad** variation but applies [[status:Ion]] to the user instead, saving FP. }} {{template>template:typyl skill hp | icon = icon.png | target = Ally | cost = 30 | skillname = Decoy &solum;&creo;&visio;&signum; | description = **Lv4 &solum; Bullet:** Protects target ally by creating a decoy. The decoy has 50% of target ally's current HP. \\ **//Apply: Current 50% [[status:Decoy]].//** }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | target = Ally | cost = 20 | skillname = Focus Rune &certus;&lius;&signum; | description = **Lv2 &medius; Bullet:** Shoots a buffing rune towards an ally. \\ **//Apply: [[status:STR+]], [[status:SOR+]]//** }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | target = Ally | cost = ?? | skillname = First Aid &silva;&sanitas;&signum; | description = **&silva; Bullet:** Heals the target ally. }} {{template>template:typyl skill fp | icon = icon.png | target = Party | cost = 45 | skillname = Deploy Barrier &tueor;&ambio;&signum; | description = **Lv3 &medius; Bullet:** Deploys a protective barrier on the party, with the barrier having 50% of party's total Max HP. }} ===== Relationships ===== FIXME ===== Inspirations ===== * [[wp>Final Fantasy XIV]] * **GravStinger** from [[wp>Wipeout Fusion]] {{tag>"Typyl" "typyl:Sav" "typyl:Tiger-type Typyl" "typyl:Cat-type Typyl" "typyl:Hybrid Typyl" "typyl:Feline-fam Typyl" "typyl:Vello Aspect Typyl" "typyl:Aetas Aspect Typyl" "typyl:Signum Aspect Typyl" "typyl:Trio Aspect Typyl" "typyl:Sly Nature Typyl" "typyl:Bold Nature Typyl" "typyl:Junea Born Typyl" "typyl:Cancer Typyl" "typyl:Arcana 18 Typyl" "typyl:Male Sex Typyl" "typyl:Bigen Typyl" "typyl:5|5|H Typyl" "typyl:Fivs-handed Typyl" "typyl:Fivs-footed Typyl" "typyl:Humno Typyl" "typyl:STR-RES 4 Typyl" "typyl:SOR-DEF 2 Typyl" "typyl:SPD-VIT 4 Typyl" "typyl:Approved Entry" "typyl:Indexed Entry" }}