====== Original [#INDEX] ======
This is the list of characters that [[user:fiaKaiera]] made along in the early years of his life before [[furria:furria|Furria's]] implementation. Some characters could possibly be a copy of another but unique in a sense that they could be considered two different people.
Most of these characters did not make it to the current character list in Furria.
**NOTE:** Some of these characters do have real life counterparts and represents who they were. **We advise that anyone should not find, offend or attack these people.** Information given about them in this list will be vague to prevent this.
For a list of current characters set for Furria, you can check the [[typyl:index mugs|Mugshot Index]]
In this list, there are a total of **234 characters**. After July 2013, this list was discontinued.
===== Base Ten =====
Dubbed the Base Ten , these characters was originally ones who represented 10 of the 12 chapters. Though all of them made it into the series, this order was changed.
^Base Ten (10)^
|//Characters sorted in their original order//|
* [[typyl:Kaiera L'Heart]]
* [[typyl:Lucyn Augur L'Heart]]
* [[typyl:Veronica Mae L'Heart]]
* [[typyl:Roel Dizor]]
* [[typyl:Shine Dizor]]
* [[typyl:Elijah Avid]]
* [[typyl:Elisea Avid]]
* [[typyl:Rommel Liden]]
* [[typyl:Bryan Liden]]
* [[typyl:Azahan Gabriel]]
===== Saviors of Furria =====
Originally, the participants of the [[furria:hac|H.A.C.]] are also considered that of the [[class:Sav]] class. Back then, the Sav are simply called "Saviors".
==== 1st Generation Saviors ====
The first generation, now called the [[class:Presav]] are originally created for the original plan of the HAC, which was intentionally a "Slice of Life/Adventure" comic where a group of volunteering kids from different schools offered to help on research by testing out anthropomorphism and setting out on daily tasks in a remote location.
To cope up with the Furria series, they ended up being in the world of [[world:Fiagia]] (previously called Furriraria) by accident and sacrificed themselves to save the world and its inhabitants. Only very few saviors remain and calls for the next generation to take over.
The saviors that are supposed to possibly survive are shown in bold text. These are also the original names of the Presav.
^Saviors 1st Generation / Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound (60)^
|//Characters sorted in their original order//|
* Pururun (Tadpole)
* Tamiru (Tadpole)
* Chico (Rabbit)
* Kentaro (Bear)
* Isaru (Panda)
* Ino (Rabbit)
* **Kira** (Cat)
* Helio (Fox)
* Hatch (Dog)
* Lina (Squirrel)
* Ria (Racoon)
* **Iya** (Turtle)
* Talie (Echidna)
* Camilia (Chameleon)
* April (Bee)
* Snare (Wolf)
* Spike (Porcupine)
* **Karlo** (Mole)
* Tammy (Frog)
* Ken (Lion)
* Hummie (Bird)
* Scarlet (Bat)
* Mina (Hedgehog)
* Mao (Mouse)
* **Tania** (Kangaroo)
* Bento (Koala)
* Chef (Monkey)
* Mine (Butterfly)
* **Shin** (Ferret)
* Sen (Leopard)
* Shine (Sheep)
* Ming (Gazelle)
* Rim (Rhino)
* Armo (Armadillo)
* Hammie (Hamster)
* Ton (Lizard)
* Erika (Tiger)
* Ripe (Bandicoot)
* Matchie (Tarsier)
* Mon (Penguin)
* Claid (Lemur)
* Alison (Chipmunk)
* Kate (Guinea Pig)
* Tunia (Skunk)
* **Melchor** (Opossum)
* Rob (Gerbal)
* Shed (Beaver)
* Namie (Meercat)
* Ricochet (Weasel)
* Abbey (Woodpecker)
* Anne (Cheetah)
* Lace (Sloth)
* Rachel (Rat)
* Claire (Chicken)
* Chill (Chinchilla)
* Miriam (Otter)
* Sen (Coyote)
* **Rhyme** (Wombat)
* May (Badger)
* Felius (Platypus)
=== Trivia ===
* The saviors are originally planned to only have unique species. Unknowingly, there are two tadpoles(Pururun and Tamiru) and two rabbits(Chico and Ino)
* All of the characters all balanced in gender, 30 males and 30 females
* 19 of the saviors, are passed on to the next generation, whether being the son or by complete coincidence of sharing similar traits, others hold the actual same name. Should be 20 but the rat and mouse is taken as one
* All of the saviors in this generation actually have the same eye style, which makes them look very identical
==== 2nd Generation Saviors ====
The first generation of saviors are meant to be redesigned. This ended up creating a whole new generation instead in order to diversify the species of animals given. For the series, each savior must come be a young candidate and must have done something memorable or have done a great deed to their own home.
Instead of having 60 saviors, the roster has been cut down to 50. The number of members in total are 51 since a pair of twins are considered as one entry. From this point, all of the saviors receives the Sav class title and each Sav corresponds to a certain [[furria:aspects|aspect]]. (previously called Elemental Aspect)
One notable difference is that all of the saviors from this point represent civilizations on earth. Though, this concept was thrown, along with these characters.
^2nd Generation Saviors (51)^
|//Characters are sorted in their original order//|
* Puriru (Tadpole)
* Tariu (Tadpole)
* Kento (Bear)
* Inoa (Rabbit)
* Issa (Panda Bear)
* Lia (Squirrel)
* May (Bee)
* Hummi (Bird)
* Rose (Hedgehog)
* Bento (Koala)
* Cuco (Monkey)
* Matchi (Tarsier)
* Mon (Penguin)
* Alisa (Chipmunk)
* Katie (Guinea Pig)
* Lace (Sloth)
* Rachi (Mouse)
* Claire (Chicken)
* Nes (Coyote)
* Pola (Polar Bear)
* Mein (Stoat)
* Bost (Pig)
* Milla (Tanuki)
* Seil (Elephant)
* Quinta (Giraffe)
* Ceil (Seal)
* Thoot (Owl)
* Farine (Flamingo)
* Que' Misa (Mantis)
* Chira (Ladybug)
* Khristine (Kangaroo)
* Mona (Wombat)
* Shinn (Ferret)
* Mory (Skunk)
* Scon (Fox)
* Oton (Ocelot)
* Sivs (Meercat)
* Fern (Lemur)
* Mirk (Chameleon)
* Shicho (Komodo Dragon)
* Chall (Salamander)
* Chinn (Chinchilla)
* Meri (Sheep)
* Devy (Llama)
* Mina (Deer)
* Tape (Tapir)
* Soverin (Camel)
* Celon (Antelope)
* Ming (Gazelle)
* Strie (Zebra)
* Meelo (Fish)
=== Trivia ===
* Since the second generation, the first generation savior Chico is made female, breaking the gender balance
* The first column of characters are actually the saviors that are passed on and/or redesigned
* By coincidence, some of the characters end up being actual Sav
* This generation has water life included
* This generation also has a more diverse species set
* Bento, Mon, Alisa, Katie, Lace Claire and Ming have the same names as their first generation counterparts
===== Class Batch of Patience =====
fiaKaiera made anthropomorphic counterparts of every student in his batch in High School. Since then, he decides to put all them into the series as a group, later on re-deciding that only some would make it into the actual series than every single one of them. Ever since that everyone has parted due to graduation in High School, most of them would have alternate and separate lives in the world of Furria.
The "Class Batch of Patience" are actually two class sections: Patience and Truthfulness.\\
The following characters marked in bold has a chance of appearing in the series.
^The Class of Patience (55, including Kaiera)^
|//Characters are sorted in alphabetical order//|
* Adelynne/Adel
* Adrian Joshua/Rian
* Albert/Alben
* Aldrin
* Arrian
* Bhraonain
* **Caroline/Carol**
* **Cassandra**
* Charrise Joi
* Dan Karlo
* David John/D.J.
* Dessa
* Ethel Jane/EJane
* **Hannah/Han Tam**
* **Hazel/Zel**
* Jassica Mae/Jessa
* **Jehn Mahonri**
* Jeric
* **Jerry/Teo**
* Jhuny Boy
* Johna Paula/Pao Pao
* **John Paul**
* Jon Christopher
* Jon Kevin
* **Josef Victor**
* Joshua/J.B.
* Joyce Dian/Yuki
* **Jerome John**
* **Kashrya Pamela**
* **Kathryn**
* **Kristine**
* **Kurt Russel**
* Lindsay/Linzzi
* **Louwenn**
* **Maja Fina/Faye**
* Marjorie/Marge
* Mark Ivan
* **Merly/Merlz**
* Michael John/Mic
* Monique/Nique
* Nicko
* Nikko
* Niňa/Xanne
* **Princess Key**
* **Rachel Anne/Chel**
* **Regina Joy/Rheg**
* Renison
* Ricknon
* Sarah Alexia/Sarah Lex
* **Sarah Grace/Zhen Ji**
* Sharmine/Chen
* **Shielden Grail/Shieldz/Akira**
* **Thomas James/T.J.**
* Toni Loreinne
* **Valerie Jane/Val**
^The Class of Truthfulness (56)^
|//Characters are sorted in alphabetical order//|
* Abigail/Abby
* Ajee
* Amiel
* Angelica/Gelai
* **Angelique/Angel**
* Beaulah Grace
* Benjielyn
* Brylle
* Carl Edward
* **Cherish Joy**
* Christianne/Chin
* Claiben/Claibert
* Daniel Paul
* Emil Rey
* Erza
* Fran Carlo
* Genny Rose
* **Geobert/Geo**
* Glenda/Len-Len
* **Jairuz Ken**
* Jan Carlo
* Janine/J.E.
* Joan/Ann
* John Gabriel/Gab
* John Karl/Kaloy
* Jon Michael
* **Kacey Camille/Kim**
* **Karla Mae**
* Kathleen Mae
* Mac Jed
* Margel Angelynne/Ghel
* Maria Ariana/Yang
* Maria Corazon/Corrine
* Maria Roxanne/Xanne
* Mariel
* **Marienne Khrystel**
* Mary Jane/M.J.
* Mary Kris/Kring
* Melvin
* Michael Daniel
* Murphy
* Nerisse Shaina/Nisha
* Nikki Jay
* Patricia Yvanne/Iicia
* Patrick Don
* Paul Angelo
* **Precious Reya**
* Renz John
* Rhodalyn/Peng
* Rojohn
* **Rona Luisa**
* Sarah Jane
* Terrybel Joana/Terri
* **Veronica Maria/Nhicka**
* **Von Anthony**
* **Winchester**