{{template>infobox:typyl | infobox_ver = 2 | name = Daggard | image = typyl:daggard.png | artby = MajorLeeMan | owner = MajorLeeMan | First aspect is only required, leave blank if not needed | aspect1 = Certus | aspect2 = Duplico | aspect3 = Tueor | hatchday = Decia 13th | sign = ♐ Saggitarius | arcana = XIX -- Sun | For class, leave as "Furrial" if not needed | class = Furrial | typ-type = Roo-rat Hy | typ-fam = Roden-fam | nature1 = Humble | nature2 = Loyal | phys-sex = ♂ Male | orientation = Male | comp-hand = Quant | comp-foot = Triq | comp-form = Digitri | eye-color = Red | inner-color = Natural | aura-color = Red | str-res = 7 | sor-def = 4 | spd-vit = 3 }} {{template>template:info needsapproval | signature = --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2017/08/13 09:50//}} ====== Daggard* ====== **Daggard** is a character made for [[furria:Furria]]. * **Nickname/s:** Dag * **Pronouns:** He/him * **Moral Alignment:** Lawful Good * **Myers-Briggs Type:** ESFJ-A * **Handedness:** Left-handed * **Eye Pigment:** Red '' #CE2A29'' '' #DCDCDC'' * **Primary Pigment:** Black '' #313131'' * **Secondary Pigment:** Brown '' #8A8160'' * **Tertiary Pigment:** Dark Red '' #63393A'' * **Average Height Scale:** x0.7 * **Battle Role:** Tank/Warrior * **Weapon Type of Choice:** Polearm * **Specific Weapon of Choice:** Halberdier {{INLINETOC}} ===== About ===== Daggard grew up in a farming community outside the main city. He was raised by his parents with a younger brother working hard to support the family. As Dag grew older he ook on more responsibilites on the family farm and learned very much about how to build things, repair things, craft tools, and the operations of nature around him. Once his brother was old enough to help on the farm, he was able to remove himself occasionally to get an education in sorcia and it's uses (other than what he learned from his parents). His fighting style is stall-based, defend until the enemy either wears itself out or until it reveals a weakness. Daggard is quite patient in battle and follows orders rather willingly. Due to his small stature, he employs his sorcia to lift his weapons and armour with ease, as well as create extra barriers for defense when needed. ==== Personality ==== Daggard relies very much on common sense to lead him and his descisions. He can be very blunt when talking to others, though never in a hateful or insulting sort of way. He strongly believes there is good in everyone, no matter how latent, and will protect his friends as if they were family. He enjoys the simple things in life and does not concern himself with fame or fortune. ===== Inspirations ===== * Old Cowboy films * Little House on the Prairie * The ideal self-sufficient individual {{tag>"Typyl" "typyl:Kang-type Typyl" "typyl:Roo-type Typyl" "typyl:Rat-type Typyl" "typyl:Hybrid Typyl" "typyl:Roden-fam Typyl" "typyl:Certus Aspect Typyl" "typyl:Duplico Aspect Typyl" "typyl:Tueor Aspect Typyl" "typyl:Trio Aspect Typyl" "typyl:Humble Nature Typyl" "typyl:Loyal Nature Typyl" "typyl:Decia Born Typyl" "typyl:Arcana 19 Typyl" "typyl:Saggitarius Typyl" "typyl:Male Sex Typyl" "typyl:Male Typyl" "typyl:4|3|D Typyl" "typyl:Quant-handed Typyl" "typyl:Triq-footed Typyl" "typyl:Digitri Typyl" "typyl:STR-RES 7 Typyl" "typyl:SOR-DEF 4 Typyl" "typyl:SPD-VIT 3 Typyl" "typyl:Unapproved Entry" }}