====== Ylva Vera ====== {{template>infobox:sunnyverse | image = pokeprofs:ylva vera.png | artby = fiaKaiera | first = Ylva | last = Vera | nicknames = N/A | nature = Relaxed | chara = Likes to relax | poke_index = 354 | poke_species = Banette | poke_categ = Marionette | type = Ghost | ability = Frisk | move1 = Phantom Force | move2 = Spite | move3 = Calm Mind | move4 = Rest }} > It could taste like desperation from attention, reward, or even revenge. > **--- Ylva, ask-pokeprofs** \\ **Ylva Vera** (Japanese: **イルバ** //iruba//) is one of the faculty members to teaches history in [[ask-pokeprofs|Ask PokéProfs]] at [[Kalos Miare College High]].
* **Teaching:** History * **Club Affinity:** Botany Club, Charity Drive * **Signature Color:** '' #F6A6B1'' * **Physical Sex:** Female (♀) * **Age:** 52 (acting half of her age) * **Eye & Mouth Color:** Red * **Nationality:** Dutch * **Hometown:** Snowpoint City, Sinnoh * **Blog Theme:** [[yt>_H9SSeE97xo|Happy H. Christmas (Nathanael Platier Cover) - DIGERATi]]
* //**Kalos Miare Posts with Ylva:**// * //[[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/ylva|by latest post]]// * //[[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/ylva/chrono|in chronological order]]// * **Tags:** [[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/ylva|#ylva]] [[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/banette|#banette]]
===== Summary ===== Ylva is a charming Banette who shows kindness towards everyone, and yet, is the one responsible for tracking around social rumours spread around the campus. She might look very young but in actual, she is aged twice than she looks. Even when her age doesn't reflect her facade of a young Banette, she can keep up to par with fashion and technology. Outside of schoolwork, she can been seen around a café taking her merry time relaxing, doing small parts of her job and listening to rumours. She bears an accent that a mix of a Yorkshire and Irish accent and sometimes speaks in [[wp>Yooper English]]. At a young age, Ylva was severerly injured from war. Due to this distressing experience, Ylva learn the war's cause and the events around it, leading her to pursue a journey of studying different histories across the world. ==== Ask Hints ==== Ask hints help guide people to ask more about the character. * ??? ===== Relationships ===== * **[[Hvelther Delacroix]]:** Ylva is a fellow teacher and friend towards Hvelther. ===== Appearances ===== > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2017/11/20 13:43// === Minisodes / Interactions ===
* **Ms*1: ...et trouvé**\\ --- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/164795839241|C]] | [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/165063761594|D]] * **Ms*2: Sauvegarde**\\ --- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/166038379114|A]] | [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/166151553116|B]]
=== Asks / Rumours ===
* Rumours #1 - [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/162286289450|I’ve heard Thines is getting engaged?!]] * Rumours #2 - [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/164943402259|...talking about a teacher that doesn’t have legs...]] * #10 - [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/165266108046|A ghost haunting the school?]] * #12 - [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/165338110884|What do rumors taste like?]]
=== #TodaysWeather ===
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===== Trivia ===== * Ylva is just one of many characters that has [[ylva vera original|existed before]] the current iteration of Ask PokéProfs. {{template>footer:pokeprofs}} {{tag>"Sunnyverse Characters" "PokéProfs Characters" }}