====== Vanille Rêveur ====== {{template>template:info_incomplete_reason|reason=This page and the format itself is still under construction. The Astral Lumiose format is not done yet. Please stand by.|signature=[[Wishdream]]}} {{template>infobox:sunnyverse | image = lumiose:Vanille Reveur.png | artby = Wishdream | first = Vanille | last = Rêveur | nicknames = Van, Nille | nature = Timid | chara = In Trance | poke_index = 133 | poke_species = Eevee | poke_categ = Evolution | type = Normal | ability = Adaptability | move1 = Swift | move2 = Wish | move3 = Quick Attack | move4 = Double-Edge }} > Why can't I just recall anything?! > **--- Vanille, Astral Lumiose** \\ Let's see... **Vanille Rêveur**? Well, their one of the staff of [[Astral Lumiose High School Academy]] in Faculty B. They are the only teacher that teaches the subject of Computer Science in the Academy and is responsible for the school's web updates.
* **Teaching:** Computer Science * **Physical Sex:** Preferred not to tell * **Age:** Preferred not to tell * **Eye Color:** Green * **Nationality:** French * **Hometown:** Lumiose City, Kalos * **Blog Theme:** [[https://knowermusic.bandcamp.com/track/cry-tomorrow-laugh-today|Cry Tomorrow, Laugh Today - KNOWER]]
===== Summary ===== Vanille is a peculiar Eevee that seems to not know who they are or at least can't remember what they *were*. They seem to be quite stoic, blank-minded and well, it seems to be in trance. Often quite calm in a lot of situations, even at the worst times. Their personality does seem to change on some certain occasions, which seems to be their actual personality hiding behind that stoic personality. ==== Backstory ==== No one exactly knows yet. Not even I do. Some say he came from nowhere and just appeared one day at the right moment and the right time. ==== Outfits ==== There hasn't been any outfits that they worn other than what they currently have. ==== Notable Mysteries ==== * Whenever he is reminded of his past, he seems to look more blank. * But whenever he is asked of who he is, he seems to show more of his true personality. ==== Extra Tidbits ==== * Vanille has a habit to avoid swearing, most likely as a preference and part of their own moral code. Sometimes they just replace the word with something else entirely. Although, it is possible to get them angry enough to swear, but it is rare. ===== Relationships ===== * **[[Vagabond Rêveur|Vagabond Reveur]]:** Acting as father figure to Vanille. * **[[Toulouse Laaksonen]]:** //Unknown// ===== Appearances =====
* //**Astral Lumiose Posts with Vanille:**// * //[[http://astral-lumiose.tumblr.com/tagged/vanille|by latest post]]// * //[[http://astral-lumiose.tumblr.com/tagged/vanille/chrono|in chronological order]]// * **Tags:** [[http://astral-lumiose.tumblr.com/tagged/vanille|#vanille]] [[http://astral-lumiose.tumblr.com/tagged/eevee|#eevee]]
=== Arcs === * Arcs has not been recorded yet. So this list remains empty for now. === Visions === * Visions has not been recorded yet. So this list remains empty for now. === Questions === * Questions has not been recorded yet. So this list remains empty for now. === Mysteries === * Mysteries has not been recorded yet. So this list remains empty for now. ===== Trivia ===== * Vanille is the first character made for the blog. * Vanille is an allusion to Mocha when it comes to the name. * Vanilla is one of the mod's favorite flavour. {{template>footer:lumiose}} {{tag>"Sunnyverse Characters" "Astral Lumiose Characters" }}