====== Irène Jacinthe ====== {{template>infobox:sunnyverse | image = pokeprofs:irene jacinthe.png | artby = fiaKaiera | first = Irène | last = Jacinthe | nicknames = N/A | nature = Timid | chara = Scatters things often | poke_index = 153 | poke_species = Bayleef | poke_categ = Leaf | type = Grass | ability = Leaf Guard | move1 = Synthesis | move2 = Magical Leaf | move3 = Natural Gift | move4 = Aromatherapy }} > I hope it's enough for you... > **--- Irène, ask-pokeprofs** \\ **Irène Jacinthe** (Japanese: **イリン** //irin//) is one the language-teaching faculty members of [[ask-pokeprofs|Ask PokéProfs]] at [[Kalos Miare College High]].
* **Teaching:** Language (English + French) * **Signature Color:** '' #ABDB74'' * **Physical Sex:** Female (♀) * **Age:** 24 * **Eye & Mouth Color:** Red * **Nationality:** Japanese * **Hometown:** Palette Town, Kanto * **Blog Theme:** [[yt>Ev-PUCnBk_o|Zzz (Instrumental) - Nichijou]]
* //**Kalos Miare Posts with Irène:**// * //[[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/irene|by latest post]]// * //[[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/irene/chrono|in chronological order]]// * **Tags:** [[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/irene|#irene]] [[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/bayleef|#bayleef]]
===== Summary ===== Irène recently evolved and started teaching in Kalos Miare straight after graduation by recommendation and unwittingly applied to do so. In her studies back then as a student, she favours studying in different languages as a challenge and ended up learning several of them in the end without her knowledge on being sufficient at it. Either being inside or outside of class, she is a nice person it interact with if they can keep up with her shy attitude. She can be easily flustered and easily frightened, which makes it rather difficult to discipline her students and has a hard time enforcing rules on her own. Though born in a peaceful town of Kanto, she has lived most her life outside out it due to her parents moving on to Kalos, thus her name is set as such. ==== Ask Hints ==== Ask hints help guide people to ask more about the character. * Languages * Accent ==== Extra Tidbits ==== * Irène is actually a bit [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163375957626|jealous]] to Mocha having such a nice house. However, Irene has also a nice house as well so it balances out. ===== Relationships ===== * **[[Lauren Beauchene]]:** The one responsible for the recommendation herself. She sees potential in Irène due to her noticing her proficiency with languages. ===== Appearances ===== > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2017/11/20 13:40// === Minisodes / Interactions ===
* **Ms*0: ..et trouvé**\\ --- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163375957626|B]] | [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/165063761594|D]]
=== Asks ===
* #12 -- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/165302986394|Are there other students at the academy who share Mocha's circumstances?]]
=== #TodaysWeather ===
{{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/ae9b45e4b815971a2f73d31762d132b7/tumblr_otndc0hI1c1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163406055854 | datenum = JUL 25 2017 - #27 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/5a189e3047e61113cc08575831bf3d10/tumblr_ouod9w9nIG1urik3jo1_r1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/164333883921 | datenum = AUG 18 2017 - #44 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/34421ddde611c9d6b4f1e10181c6188f/tumblr_owi3drtn2i1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/165491987234 | datenum = SEP 18 2017 - #63 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://78.media.tumblr.com/c2422c7c1c56b3d6613e37b78ab63078/tumblr_oy7f1ytRZY1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/166659039324 | datenum = OCT 21 2017 - #88 }}
===== Trivia ===== * Irène is just one of many characters that has [[irene jacinthe original|existed before]] the current iteration of Ask PokéProfs. * In the original, she was not recommended at all. * Irène is inspired from a character in Nichijou, namely Izumi Sakurai. * Her hair is derived from Izumi as well. * Her outfit is derived from Isabelle of Animal Crossing: New Leaf. * Her theme also comes from Nichijou. {{template>footer:pokeprofs}} {{tag>"Sunnyverse Characters" "PokéProfs Characters" }}