====== Claire Lindholm ====== {{template>infobox:sunnyverse | image = pokeprofs:claire lindholm.png | artby = fiaKaiera | first = Claire | last = Lindholm | nicknames = N/A | nature = Modest | chara = Highly Curious | poke_index = 542 | poke_species = Leavanny | poke_categ = Nurturing | type = Bug / Grass | ability = Overcoat | move1 = Protect | move2 = Safeguard | move3 = Fell Stinger | move4 = Leaf Storm }} > Don't worry. It wasn't that severe. > **--- Claire, ask-pokeprofs** \\ **Claire Lindholm** (Japanese: **クライル** //kurairu//) is one the faculty members of [[ask-pokeprofs|Ask PokéProfs]] at [[Kalos Miare College High]] acting as the school's nurse but also teaches Biological Science.
* **Role:** School Nurse * **Teaching:** Science * **Club Affinity:** Botany Club, Charity Drive * **Signature Color:** '' #B4475C'' * **Physical Sex:** Female (♂) * **Age:** 32 * **Eye & Mouth Color:** Pink * **Nationality:** Swedish * **Hometown:** Snowpoint City, Sinnoh * **Blog Theme:** N/A
* //**Kalos Miare Posts with Claire:**// * //[[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/claire|by latest post]]// * //[[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/claire/chrono|in chronological order]]// * **Tags:** [[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/claire|#claire]] [[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/leavanny|#leavanny]]
===== Summary ===== Cliare is one of your average day school nurse inside of Kalos Miare. When she is not on duty as a nurse, she acts as one of the school's guidance for the charity drive, working on receiving charity calls and services. When teaching, however, she can immediately responds and excuses herself from classes whenever she is called from the Nurse's Office or if she is called on the spot in case of an emergency. When treating Pokémon, she tends to take her time to get a diagnosis on symptoms to each patient and is highly considerable and willing to listen while being in the care of her. Just remember: she knows if a student decided to skip classes. A mother's hunch, if you will. Claire is constantly in check with [[cillian fionnagan|Cillian]] due to his condition. ==== Ask Hints ==== Ask hints help guide people to ask more about the character. * Nurse and Teacher * Cillian and Claire * Charity Drive * The Fotive Students ==== Extra Tidbits ==== * Apparently, Claire has a lot of knowledge about Kalos Miare's building structure and [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/165777989554|safety measures]] in addition to its security systems. ===== Relationships ===== * **[[cillian fionnagan]]:** Claire is taking care of Cillian to make sure his injuries doesn't get worse and has time to recover. At times, she could sound sassy around him or when talking about him. ===== Appearances ===== > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2017/10/07 21:26// === Asks ===
* #4 -- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/162987375206|Claire what's been going on with the food poisoning status?]] * #6 -- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163417914274|Cillian what did you do to hurt yourself!!]] * #17 --[[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/165777989554|What kind of safety measures are in place at Miare?]]
=== #TodaysWeather ===
{{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/fcf504a3269282276662659cf82395b9/tumblr_ot7lhfVeR41urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163074111814 | datenum = JUL 16 2017 - #21 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/cfb306dd2bdd867d54ba9bdd0d0898a4/tumblr_ou8uusfkxi1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163852246449 | datenum = AUG 05 2017 - #35 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/55216357e8d3d76f8a51f561de1bfdf4/tumblr_ounlyu9Rcz1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/164159390744 | datenum = AUG 13 2017 - #40 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/766090dc29aeb2901654df4f5ad95603/tumblr_ovxw6wpxwL1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/165101185959 | datenum = SEP 07 2017 - #60 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/02c64fc001efdae636f576c13120a093/tumblr_oxfjbiIT2n1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/166127655804 | datenum = OCT 06 2017 - #78 }}
===== Trivia ===== * Claire is just one of many characters that has [[claire lindholm original|existed before]] the current iteration of Ask PokéProfs. * Claire was never part of the charity drive before until the creation of the fotive students in the current version of the blog. {{template>footer:pokeprofs}} {{tag>"Sunnyverse Characters" "PokéProfs Characters" }}