====== Ania Natalya ====== {{template>infobox:sunnyverse | image = pokeprofs:ania natalya.png | artby = fiaKaiera | first = Ania | last = Natalya | nicknames = N/A | nature = Relaxed | chara = Good persistence | poke_index = 311 | poke_species = Plusle | poke_categ = Cheering | type = Electric | ability = Lightning Rod | move1 = Spark | move2 = Helping Hand | move3 = Quick Attack | move4 = Thunder Wave }} > Those flowers are arranged quite nicely, though I should continue working on inventory. > **--- Ania, ask-pokeprofs** \\ **Mocha Beauchêne** (Japanese: **アニャ** //anya//) is one of the Expressive Students at [[Kalos Miare College High]] as a part of [[ask-pokeprofs|Ask PokéProfs]]. She is the teacher's pet of the faculty member [[Marielle Nadezhda]]. Ania is also [[Dianne Eliane]]'s roommate.
* **Specialty:** Biology * **Club Membership:** Blog Program, Botany Club * **Signature Color:** '' #D5593B'' * **Physical Sex:** Female (♀) * **Age:** 15 * **Eye & Mouth Color:** Red * **Nationality:** Russian * **Hometown:** Snowpoint City, Sinnoh * **Blog Theme:** [[yt>0OnBviyxPpc|Recollections - Yamajet]]
* //**Kalos Miare Posts with Ania:**// * //[[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/ania|by latest post]]// * //[[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/ania/chrono|in chronological order]]// * **Tags:** [[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/ania|#ania]] [[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/plusle|#plusle]]
===== Summary ===== If you are looking for a teacher's pet, then that will be Ania. Ania serves as the teacher's pet of Marielle. Ania helps Marielle out after school hours. Like Marielle, Ania possesses almost the exact same traits as her. Unlike Marielle, however, she acts more diligently and organized than being scattered and concentrated. That's why she keeps up her grades most of the time. Ania plays rather silently in conversations and will only talk when something is relevant to the topic or discussion at hand but also gives suggestions and questions from time to time. She is also quite helpful of giving tips and finds a way or easily relaying information to fellow students and faculty. Outside of study, she can be seen around Marielle or the Botany Club. Outside of club activities, she can be found reading a good book in a random location or inside the library to keep further information. Her interests lie on research and will give you information when needed. Otherwise, she could also be with her classmate [[Dianne Eliane|Dianne]], breaking her stoicism at times and having fun. She likes swimming and roaming sometimes in the rain without an umbrella. She is also fond looking for calming atmospheres to work on such as the nearby creek. ==== Ask Hints ==== Ask hints help guide people to ask more about the character. * Teacher's pet? * Marielle * Stoicism * The Botany Club * Ania and Dianne ==== Extra Tidbits ==== * Ania does not keep a straight face all the time and has the capability to show emotion. [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163548046054|She can actually be seen smiling.]] ===== Relationships ===== * **[[Marielle Nadezhda]]:** Ania acts as the teacher's pet for Marielle who helps her out a lot outside of classes due to common interest. Even though Marielle favors Ania, this does not change her standing in classes(such as grades) as both of them are honest of each other. * **[[Dianne Eliane]]:** Her roommate. They some times hang out, playing games or do something that catches Dianne's eye. How Ania deals with Dianne's attitude in the dormitory is another story. ===== Appearances ===== > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2017/11/20 12:16// === Asks ===
* #8 -- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163457316439|I have some plants to deliver to the botany club.]] * #20 -- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/167092923335|⬆⬆⬇⬇⬅➡⬅➡🅱🅰 ]] * #21 -- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/167348852278|Which student is the smartest? ]]
=== #TodaysWeather ===
{{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/ea34cc8cb2229f1f5713bae8a8aad42e/tumblr_otu2csvxbp1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163548046054 | datenum = JUL 28 2017 - #29 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/8149a43d187b71b90280e2ec1d3961cb/tumblr_ouaha9qXtc1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163886130634 | datenum = AUG 06 2017 - #35 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/6e4d76ba9ca2447a9bac077da6becf98/tumblr_ouof5ztntz1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/164378159651 | datenum = AUG 19 2017 - #45 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://68.media.tumblr.com/0ca2a0f0017970db347c22d53f4664d4/tumblr_oxbe0f2ew11urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/166050206279 | datenum = OCT 04 2017 - #77 }} {{template>template:sunny twbox | image = http://78.media.tumblr.com/ea64077ce32762dc9767970b073ff8e1/tumblr_oyloz1tihi1urik3jo1_100.png | link = http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/166920009479 | datenum = OCT 29 2017 - #91 }}
===== Trivia ===== * Ania was accidentally created without the presence of Marielle having the exact same aim except that Ania is a student. This is why Marielle favors Ania because of the extreme similarities they have. * Coincidentally, Ania also has the same nationality as Marielle, as both of them are Russians. {{template>footer:pokeprofs}} {{tag>"Sunnyverse Characters" "PokéProfs Characters" }}