====== Aisa Asbat ====== {{template>infobox:sunnyverse | image = pokeprofs:aisa asbat.png | artby = fiaKaiera | first = Aisa | last = Asbat | nicknames = Ai-chan, Issa | nature = Jolly | chara = Likes to relax | poke_index = 674 | poke_species = Pancham | poke_categ = Playful | type = Fighting | ability = Mold Breaker | move1 = Work Up | move2 = Leer | move3 = Quash | move4 = Comet Punch }} > Why DO I always have this bamboo leaf in my mouth? > **--- Aisa, ask-pokeprofs** \\ **Mocha Beauchêne** (Japanese: **モッカ** //mokka//) is a Progressive Student at [[Kalos Miare College High]] in [[ask-pokeprofs|Ask PokéProfs]]. She is the relative of [[Jaime Asbat]], another student of Kalos Miare.
* **Specialty:** Digital Arts * **Club Membership:** Blog Program, Orchestra * **Signature Color:** '' #58A5DB'' * **Physical Sex:** Female (♀) * **Age:** Unknown * **Eye & Mouth Color:** Blue * **Nationality:** Japanese * **Hometown:** Fuchsia City, Kanto * **Blog Theme:** [[yt>G-zERbBCJMQ|Playful - iMovie Music]]
* //**Kalos Miare Posts with Aisa:**// * //[[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/aisa|by latest post]]// * //[[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/aisa/chrono|in chronological order]]// * **Tags:** [[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/aisa|#aisa]] [[http://ask-pokeprofs.tumblr.com/tagged/pancham|#pancham]]
===== Summary ===== Aisa is a somewhat lazy-yet-hardworking artist at heart: working hard to get things done right away in order to make time for her hobbies, but ulitmately fails down to procrastination in the end. She is usually positive and social, giving suggestions on what to do and encourages to do what they needed to do. However, Aisa doesn't actually start the interactions unless she needs to. Her art skills allows her to specialize in digital arts and making comics. Despite that, she doesn't join in any of the art clubs so that she can concentrate on her hobby a bit more. She is also plays the flute in the school orchestra. During her free time in the orchestra, she prompts others to play along with her. Aisa likes music, confections and anime. She also usually ships characters with male-to-male relationships. Aisa has no plan of getting in love and wants to live single for the rest of her days. ==== Ask Hints ==== Ask hints help guide people to ask more about the character. * General Asks * Aisa's comic * Her being outside of art clubs * Aisa and Jaime's relationship * Different parts of life in Kalos Miare ==== Extra Tidbits ==== * Aisa [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/162716153808|eats a lot of bamboo]]. To her it's a light snack that she eats from time to time. * Aisa [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163416037400|doesn't even know why]] does she always have a bamboo leaf in her mouth most of time. ===== Relationships ===== * **Progressive Circle:** ([[mocha beauchene|Mocha]], [[jaime asbat|Jaime]], [[thines maine|Thines]] & [[clement valere|Clément]])\\ Aisa's circle of friends which she visits from time to time inside the game development room. * **[[Jaime Asbat]]:** Jaime and Aisa have close relations with each other as they are part of a family. * **[[Mocha Beauchêne]]:** To Aisa, Mocha is her digital arts mentor. Aisa and Mocha commonly hangs out during orchestra and free time talking about digital arts among other things. ===== Appearances ===== > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2017/11/20 12:10// === Asks ===
* #3 -- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/162716153808|I always wondered what that thing in your mouth is. Does it taste good?]] * #5 -- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/163416037400|So Aisa do you always have a leaf in your mouth?]] * #10 -- [[http://ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/post/165266108046|A ghost haunting the school?]]
=== #TodaysWeather ===
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===== Trivia ===== * Aisa is based on of the mod's real life friend and college classmate, Issa, who is also a part of the mod's group [[furria:fiaPlay]]. * Like Issa, Aisa is making an effort to make an actual comic series. [[https://tapas.io/series/Emeraldia|You can check it out here.]] * Aisa is solely a Pancham for the reason that Issa has a very high love of pandas. * Aisa's voice matches Issa as well. ((Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9-3-kNSB-Y)) * Aisa is just one of many characters that has [[aisa asbat original|existed before]] the current iteration of Ask PokéProfs. {{template>footer:pokeprofs}} {{tag>"Sunnyverse Characters" "PokéProfs Characters" }}