{{template>template:info incomplete|signature= --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2017/05/22 11:28//}} ====== [Guide] Typyl Rules ====== >--- **Last Updated:** //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2017/06/13 22:49// >--- **Revision:** 4 When creating a character for Furria, for it to be official, the character must adhere to the rules set in place in order to be properly considered as an official character viable for Furria. However, these rules can be bent or bypassed altogether depending on who creates the character. The character must be a [[species:Typyl]] should they chose to make one. Characters made outside the Typyl species will be up for debate. All typyl inside the wiki that is considered official has a corresponding "Approved Entry" tag on their pages. All of the considerations, its reasons and possible ways to bypass them are listed down below. \\