====== To-do List ====== This page is exclusively used by editors and shows pages that needs to be created, edited or completed. {{INLINETOC}}
Tagged Pages {{count>"page:incomplete" "page:needs proofreading"}} \\ Typyl Count {{count>"typyl" "typyl:Transference Typyl" "typyl:indexed entry" "typyl:approved entry" "typyl:unapproved entry"}}
==== Page Priority ==== This is the pages that [[user:fiakaiera]] needs to make that others cannot explain or cannot create at the moment. * [[guide:Typyl]] --- All of it * [[furria:Equipment]] --- All equipment icons and description * Add **C Glove** * Add **Panel** * [[guide:sorcia|Sorcia Guide]] * Target Modifiers * **''[Self]'' ''[Ally]'' ''[Members]'' ''[Party]''** * **''[Single]'' ''[Set X]'' ''[Random X]'' ''[Group]'' ''[All]''** * **''[Cone]'' ''[Line]'' ''[Radius]'' ''[Area]'' ''[Field]''** * **''[Bolt]'' ''[Bullet]'' ''[Card]'' ''[Instrument]''** * **''[Stance]'' ''[Forme]'' ''[Combo]'' ''[Chain]''** * **''[Tool]'' ''[Utility]''** * Limitations of Sorcia * Designing Sorcia * [[furria:Furrial Class]] * [[furria:Furrial Class List]] * [[class:Presav]] --- as well as all of them * [[furria:The Saviand Anomaly]] * [[class:Sav]] --- as well as all of them * [[world:Class Campus]] * [[world:Amyriad]] * [[furria:Brands]] * ... and the whole [[brand:home]] namespace * [[brand:Simplicity Kitten]] ==== Missing Pages from the Original Wiki ==== * [[furria:Furrial Class]]\\ [[https://furria.net/wiki/Furrial_Class]] * [[class:home|Furrial Class List]]\\ [[https://furria.net/wiki/Furrial_Class_List]] * [[furria:Sorcia]]\\ [[https://furria.net/wiki/Majiic]] * [[class:Presav]]\\ [[https://furria.net/wiki/Presav]] * [[world:Restoria]]\\ [[https://furria.net/wiki/Restoria]] * [[furria:Shatter Charge]]\\ [[https://furria.net/wiki/Shatter_Charge]] * [[explicit:typyl|Explicit Typyl Information]]\\ [[https://furria.net/wiki/Typyl:NSFW]]