====== Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound ====== [{{ :furria:hac_original_all_60.png?300|Original Designs of the HAC Participants}}] The **Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound** project, or shortly known as the **H.A.C.** was originally a concept planned as a comic series conceptualized by [[user:fiaKaiera|fiaKaiera]] //(previously known as pachikira)// in the early days of the year 2010 before [[furria:Furria]] was fully planned. The concept was reimagined to fit the lore of Furria while maintaining the original concept of the HAC. The HAC has paved the way for the [[class:Presav]] class into existance and as well majorly contributed towards technology from Earth into [[world:Fiagia]]. **Disclaimer:** As this is concept is a project from Earth in the Furria series, this project does not exist in real life and is not possible within current events, added with the fact that the project itself happened before current events. {{INLINETOC}} ===== The Project ===== In the Furria series, the HAC is a project from a secret organization in Earth who shall not be discussed or named that gives its participants the opportunity to be anthropomorphic animals at a remote location. ==== Plan ==== The plan of the HAC project is to test two different possibilities: - If it is possible for humans to have anthropomorphic features, allowing for further evolution of humans; and - If it is possible to use teleportation as a secure medium for transport into a designated place. For the HAC project to be successful, the project must have a group of participants ranging from 50 to 100 unique students from one specifically selected school, differing in interests, talents, and abilities. The HAC project's location is set hidden deep within the highlands where a fully nourished compound is constructed for the participants to the HAC project to mark as their home. This compound is specifically made to observe them from their actions and hide them from public eye, preventing panic to those who are not familiar of their forms. The HAC aims to be a last ditch effort to further evolve the next generation of the human race drastically. In its completion, it is planned for every human that is not a participant of the HAC to be removed from Earth. Due to the location of the HAC, the participants of the project would be oblivious of the clearance and disconnect to the rest of the human race. ==== Entry ==== To gain entry to the HAC project, a participant must obtain 1 of 100 participation keys. Each key differs in design, representing different kinds of species as options of the participants to take form of. These keys can be found at a section of the selected school. Personel are also tasked to secretly observe students who have the potential to do so. The chance to gain entry (also known as "the period of presentation") to the project is only one week. Afterwards, there will be no way of gaining entry to the HAC ever again. === Key Rules === There are rules assigned to the keys given to the participants of the HAC, in which personel will have to keep track of. - Only one key is allowed to given to one participant. - The key cannot be given, lend or borrowed to others. - The key cannot be returned once it is obtained and decided upon. - Once obtained the key holder is bound to partake in the project. * This can be circumvented by not attending the project once it happens. * This can be also cirumvented if the key holder is unable to attend due to an accident on the way to the attendance. - The key holder has the liberty to swap their key with another in the case they are not happy with their current key they have in hand. === Attendance === Once the period of presentation ends, each key holder must arrive to a location given to them along with the key they have in hand before midnight at the start of Chinese New Year, a day straight after the period of presentation. The path to the given location was intentionally planted with traps that can slow them down. making them miss the defined time. The traps can go as far to the point of injuring them, making them unable to attend all together, but not killing them. The reason for setting these traps is to remove the key holders that are unable to have the capabilities to properly partake in the HAC project. === Arrival === Upon arrival of the participants to the specified location, each participant is required find a capsule matching the design of their own key and get inside it, putting them into sleep ready for harmless conversion and transport. This task must be all before the precise minute of the midnight ends, making them accessible the minute after and will be forced to leave the vicinity. ===== The Transport Incident ===== ==== The Agenda and the Pill ==== Before the transport, [[typyl:Snare Allwissend]], a participant of the HAC has information about the HAC project, its participants and the project's hidden agenda. The personel of the HAC project has known this information and have concerns that Snare may be up to suspicious activity before all of the participants went inside. Since personel managing the HAC cannot attend in the transport itself, the managers of the project needed a plan to circumvent this possibility. On the location of the transport, a pill and a glass of water can be found near Snare's capsule. Once Snare arrives at his capsule, all of the participants are currently in the location are notified that Snare might have attended for sabotage, giving pressure to Snare. Snare originally planned to at least make the project slightly fail, with both sides winning: The participants able to be transformed, being a success to the HAC but at the same time free from surveillance free from privacy. With Snare's capsule still locked despite his key being used, Snare has been given two choices: take the pill, unknowningly forgetting the details about the HAC; or give himself up and end up being interrogated and investigated upon. As a last resort for Snare, he took the pill for the chance of the project slightly failing and at the same time, a strange feeling that he will be important to an event in the future. Snare also tells the rest of the participants the details post-transport. Without everyone notice, all of Snare's historical memories were lost during his slumber in the transport. ==== The Teleportation Conundrum ==== When all of the 60 children fell into stasis, the HAC project begins, starting to transport them into the HAC itself. During the transport, there was an error that caused a major disturbance in their teleportation that caused all of the participants vanishing into an unknown location without a trace. Alongside with the participants vanishing, the compound itself also vanished, leaving nothing as if the compound was never built. From this point onwards there is no way of going back and there is no way of getting communication outside of the HAC itself. Meanwhile, the HAC paricipants and the compound are sent into an unknown area completely unfamiliar to them and children woke up one by one inside their capsules from sleep. The children find themselves inside the Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound, knowing that they will live here for a while. It is unknown to them that they are inside a small archipelago continent in [[world:Fiagia]] with their bodies changed completely into being [[species:Typyl]]. This compound is later on named to be the [[world:Saviand Home Compound]] and the continent is later on named to be [[world:Saviand]], the land of the [[class:Sav]] and the [[class:Presav]]. After the participants have settled themselves in the compound, they faced Snare and asked them about the details of the HAC. With the participants in shock, Snare cannot recall anything they asked him: the HAC, who the participants were, and his own memories, being a person with no recollection of his own past. From this point onwards, the participants would have to figure out how to live and survive themselves without looking back, with no way of communication, oblivious to them that they will have to face and contribute to the events known as the [[furria:Saviand Anomaly]]. ===== Participants =====