====== Aspects ======
**Aspects** are different kinds of mystical elements that is bound to every single item, object or being that can be found in the world of [[furria:Furria]]. These aspects also act as energy and lifeforce within every single being.
There are only 60 known aspects in the world with 10 being vanished aspects.
===== Representation =====
Each aspect is a property or a representation entails to different aspects of life and how the world works. An aspect can have an effect to other aspects: they can be enhanced, advanced, combined, broken down, hindered or nullified. As not every material can be represented by a unique aspect that gives unique traits, it is considered to be neutral and having no advantageous or disadvantageous properties, marked as &medius;[[aspect:Medius]].
For the game series, not every aspect can be used and/or found inside the game as not every aspect can be fully implemented and used in the game's inner workings and can be simply marked to represent an item, character or skill to be categorized in-game.
===== List of Aspects =====
There are only 60 known aspects: 18 being elemental aspects, 32 that are symbolic, and 10 that are vanished.
==== Elemental Aspects ====
**Elemental Aspects** are the essential primary aspects that makes up most of the materials found in the world. These aspects are divided into five different sections: [[aspects#Base Aspects|base aspects]], [[aspects#Fusion Aspects|fusion aspects]], [[aspects#Queer Aspects|queer]], [[aspects#Central Aspects|central]] and [[aspects#Natural Aspects|natural aspects]].
=== Central Aspects ===
**Central Aspects** are the representation of having one or multiple elemental aspects or having no aspect at all. &medius;Medius being the state of that no aspect is available, and &indivisus;Indivisus having a mix or all elemental aspects.
=== Base Aspects ===
**Base Aspects** are natural born aspects that make up most of all aspects available and can be commonly found in the world. These aspects can be fused together into fusion aspects through fusion or other similar aspects. It can also be gained from dissolving fusion aspects.
=== Fusion Aspects ===
**Fusion Aspects** are a combination of two base aspects. Though can be easily found in the world, they are formed through fusion, natural occurrence, or by other means. These aspects can be broken down into their base aspects when needed.
For some, the combination of aspects would not make sense. The following shows how each aspect is formed, along with their aspect combination.
* [&flamma; + &flumine;] &lucerna; **Lucerna**: A beam of light is amplified when sunlight is hovering over a transparent water balloon.
* [&flamma; + &aer;] &electrica; **Electrica**: Lightning can create fire and travels through air from the clouds to the ground.
* [&flamma; + &solum;] &nox; **Nox**: Light being blocked by a solid can create shade.
* [&flumine; + &aer;] &glacies; **Glacies**: Water is cooled down by cold air to make ice.
* [&flumine; + &solum;] &caelum; **Caelum**: The water cycle: evaporation and absorption.
* [&aer; + &solum;] &silva; **Silva**: From the phrase "Breath of Life".
=== Natural Aspects ===
**Natural Aspects** are naturally occurring elemental aspects that cannot be combined or fused to make a new aspect or separated and broken down into base aspects. Due to this, they are also not created from base elemental aspects but from natural occurrences instead.
=== Queer Aspects ===
**Queer Aspects** are aspects that are naturally created from experimentation through technology. It is not known how these aspects started to appear but researching its history has yield not much information.
==== Symbolic Aspects ====
**Symbolic Aspects** are aspects that relates to different actions one can do to an object. These aspects are mostly found in items and objects. These aspects are divided into three different sections: [[aspects#Alter Aspects|alter aspects]], [[aspects#Surface Aspects|surface aspects]], [[aspects#Level Aspects|level]] and [[aspects#Interact Aspects|interact aspects]].
=== Alter Aspects ===
**Alter Aspects** represents adjusting traits of an object or a being by changing or altering.
==== Spiritual Aspects ====
**Spiritual Aspects** are aspects that reflects different facets of life. It is commonly found within living beings and different kinds of [[furria:sorcia]]. There are only two sections for spiritual aspects: [[aspects#Existance Aspects|existance aspects]] and [[aspects#Corporeal Aspects|corporeal aspects]].
=== Existance Aspects ===
**Existance Aspects** define a being's freedom, and the ability to create and destroy.
=== Corporeal Aspects ===
**Corporeal Aspects** points to the evaluation of oneself, their emotions and view on their experiences in life. This section contains the most aspects out of all the sections of aspects.
==== Vanished Aspects ====
**Vanished Aspects** are either symbolic or spiritual aspects that are forbidden to be explored as they are cut off from the original 60 aspects. These aspects are replaced by another aspect as they can be easily compared to their replacement. Only the [[class:Presav]] as represented with these aspects as the Sav will only need to cope up with the new standard of 50.
===== Use for Typyl =====
In the case of the [[creature:Typyl]], aspects are harnessed as a form of energy, using it for machines and devices as well as being used for creating and casting magic in their day-to-day lives. They are also conservative in this act, as they can deconstruct items into raw aspects, dissipated into the atmosphere in order for it to be re-used in nature or used themselves to create or enchanted into items.
Typyl are one of the few creatures in Furria to have a flexible aspect having up to three aspects that can represent them: a primary, secondary or tertiary aspect with having two or three being more common than only having one. These aspects define what kind of [[furria:sorcia]] they can be best at using. They are also able to obtain an aspect by passively gaining them through experience, by mastery or learning how to use each aspect accordingly. These aspects are also defined as [[furria:Furrial Class|furrial classes]] as a result in a case that one wants to learn or master the aspect they choose.
In addition, the Typyl are known to have representatives and is the embodiment of each Aspect with one of two classes: a [[class:Presav]] and a [[class:Sav]]. They are considered to be important in Typyl culture, specializing in what aspect they represent.
===== Trivia =====
* The concept of aspects came in July 14, 2013. This was called "Elemental Aspects" before.
* Elemental Aspects turned into a sub-section after when the system was recreated in February 1, 2016.
* All the names of the aspects are in Latin. It was considered for all of the names to be French instead, other times each having an original name entirely.
* The idea of vanished aspects came from the fact that it was hard to think of more aspects with the old 32 aspects originally planned that is already part of the 50. A table shows the original 32 aspects.
* Some aspects undergo name changes: some only once and one aspect twice. These changes were made so it can be pronounced and remembered easier. Another table shows these name changes.
* The vanished aspects were also different before. It was changed to the new standard since June 29, 2016.
* The original 10 vanished aspects with their old replacements: (in order)
- &perdo; **Perdo** (replaced by &aporia;)
- &imitio; **Imitio** (replaced by &vario;)
- &signum; **Signum** (replaced by &imagino;)
- &serenitas; **Serenitas** (replaced by &motio;)
- &sensus; **Sensus** (replaced by &sanitas;)
- &figura; **Figura** (replaced by &firmus;)
- &anima; **Anima** (replaced by &tueor;)
- &cito; **Cito** (replaced by &impero;)
- &auctus; **Auctus** (replaced by &silva;)
- &sermo; **Sermo** (replaced by &vox;)
* Most aspects have an inverse aspect that possibly can go against them and some not:
* With inverses:
* &vello;, &fulgo;, &vario;, &alea;, &divum;, &velox;, &visio;, and &vox; are inverses of itself.
* Two sets are inverse in a rotation and vice versa:
* The four elemental base aspects:
* &flamma; > &flumine; > &solum; > &aer; > &flamma;
* &flamma; > &aer; > &solum; > &flumine; > &flamma;
* Three of the symbolic surface aspects:
* &firmus; > &spatium; > &ambio; > &firmus;
* &firmus; > &ambio; > &spatium; > &firmus;
* &aporia; is the only aspect with two different inverses for different reasons:
* &creo; vs &aporia;: same concept as &motio; vs &coacto;.
* &impero; vs &aporia;: control vs disorder.
* No inverses:
* All Corporeal Aspects that is not &certus; or &reicio;
* All Queer Aspects
* There are no aspects that started with the letter B, H, J, K, O, Q, U, W, X, Y and Z.
* The colors picked for all of the aspects came from 50 popular UI swatches but with added saturation.
* All of the (previous) forgotten aspect colors are picked from the 2012 Spring/Summer pantones.
* Aspect indexes started from #00 before than #01: making &medius;Medius #00 and only count up to #49, despite it being 50. The value is adjusted to avoid confusion.
* Aspects have two symbols to represent them before: a bold version and a regular version. The bold version is used for images while the regular version is for text. This is dropped for a newer set so these symbols can be easily handwritten.
===== Inspirations =====
* **Games**
* [[https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/thaumcraft|Thaumcraft 3/4/5]], a minecraft mod by Azanor
* [[https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ee3|Equivalent Exchange]], a minecraft mod by Pahimar (&verto;,&vario;, &aequum;)
* [[wp>Kirby (series)|Kirby]] and their copy abilities
* **RPG Attack Types** (&firmus;, &spatium;, &ambio;, &divum;, &velox;, &visio;)
* [[http://grandchase.wikia.com/wiki/Arme|Arme Glenstid]] and [[http://grandchase.wikia.com/wiki/Ronan|Ronan Erudon]] from [[wp>Grand Chase]] (&autumo;, &signum;)
* [[wp>Ragnarok Online]] (&impero;)
* **Various Sources**
* The [[furria:Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound]] project
* [[https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSpiritScience|Spirit Science]] (Spiritual Aspects)
* **Self Evaluation** (Spiritual Aspects)
* **Constraints from the facets of life** (&coacto;, &creo;, &impero;, &motio;, &aporia;)
* **Pep Rallies** (&vox;, &sermo;)
* **Suggestions** by several people and staff
"page:Needs Proofreading"